Are you looking to spruce up your backyard, garden, terrace, or balcony with a magical decoration? Would you also like to upcycle some old supplies you have lying around? This DIY project will let you kill two birds with one stone by turning an old plastic jug into an enchanting fairy house!
You’ll Need:
- 1 XXL plastic jug (2-3 gallon bottle)
- cement
- pebbles
- moss
- craft glue
- 1 paper plate
- 2 short twigs
- twine
- small decorative door
- decorative figures and door
Here’s How:
1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and discard of it – you’ll only need the top.

2. Draw the outline of a front door on the bottom edge of the plastic bottle and draw a round window up top, slightly off to the side.

3. Apply wet cement around the lower portion of the bottle and stick the pebbles to it, making sure to leave the door area free of pebbles.

4. Stick moss in between the pebbles.

5. Cut out the inner part of a paper plate so only the rim is left.

6. Place the paper plate rim around the top of the plastic bottle.