This topic can create a lot of questions. For example: Should we listen to music during exercising or not? What type of music is the best? Should it be acute hard rock, or something more melodic? Should we listen to it loudly or quietly?
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Many people exercising at the gym or at home believe that music is one of the important elements of training. Music can add wings – it is true. Nevertheless, are you sure that listening to music has a good effect on your workout?
Or is it impossible, for example, to exercise effectively while listening to music? Scientists have investigated the influence of music on the process of physical training for many years. For example, in 1911, American scientist Leonard Ayres found that people were cycling much faster, listening to rhythmic music than when exercising in silence.

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It happens because the music simply muffles the signals of fatigue. The body, feeling physical exhaustion, sends the appropriate impulses to the brain that the muscles need time to regain strength. Music, in turn, predetermines such signals and motivates a person to make the exercising process longer.
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It should be noted that the musical accompaniment is especially useful during training with low or moderate intensity, since it is almost impossible to ignore the pain that occurs during heavy loads.
Musical accompaniment also helps a person to dispose of his energy reserve in the most effective way. A study conducted in 2012 showed that cyclists who listen to music during training, consume 7% less oxygen, despite the fact that the load remains unchanged. Exercising at the gym or while jogging on the street, we try to listen to music. Maybe it helps to get distracted. In this article, we will present you three pros and cons of listening to music during a workout:

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#1. Time flies quicker when you are having fun. Music is one of the things that can lead to the fact that the training will be more interesting., Music can create a place in which we begin to feel like being at home from a usual gloomy gym. When you are outdoors listening to your favorite tracks you will not notice how you run the fifth km.
#2. You are more likely to stick with your routine. When we listen to our favorite songs and playlists, we believe that we are ready to do something that, as a rule, we can not do in silence. We feel stronger, and it seems to us that we are able to do more. As a result, workout is better and more effective.

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#3. It helps you tap into your energy reserves. Music can really dramatically stimulate us to action. It can increase our energy level and raise the mood.
#1. Your technique may suffer. During strength training, concentration is needed to make you focus on the exercise and to feel the muscles for 100 percent. Music does not allow you to focus on the exercise correctly, which makes the exercise technically not right, or less effective.
#2. You may experience safety issues. Listening to music, we can forget, for example, that we need to have a pause for 1 minute between the sets, and it may turn out that it is not the end of the pause, but it is already 2 minutes after we should start another set. Unequal pauses between sets can really affect the effectiveness of your exercising. The same can be, for example, with the order of exercises, the number of repetitions, etc. Also, you pay less attention to the safety aspect.

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#3. You may overexert yourself. Music is good for people who have learned the exercises very well technically, for those who do not need such great concentration when doing them. People with less experience should train without music, in silence, in order to concentrate as much as possible on the technique, as well as on the feeling of each muscle.
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Music is an integral part of training, which improves the mood and pushes to action. It can make the day in the gym more productive. Music reduces the perception of difficulty level of exercising or jogging by about 10%. The most important thing is an individual approach to choosing a playlist. Music should be rhythmic, suitable for your average running pace and, of course, you should like it. Many professional athletes today use this practice. Also, if there is a desire to listen to music while running in the street, you can try listening to audiobooks. This is a great change to run and to combine it with your favorite book.

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