The sexiest parts of the female body are legs and buttocks. Every man is crazy about women with sexy and tightened curves. Therefore, ladies, if you want to please yourself and your men, you should always be in a good shape. So, if you are looking for something new, we have a full lower-body workout that will give you sexy summer legs and booty!
BetterMe App helps women achieve their body goals with ease and efficiency by helping to choose proper meal plans and effective workouts. Start using our app and you will see good results in a short time.
If you don’t have a gym membership, if you don’t have enough time, it’s not a problem, since you can do this workout anywhere and anytime convenient for you. Our workout includes simple but yet effective exercises that will plump your legs and booty, giving you a real burn and unforgettable feelings. And the results will be even better!
We recommend doing this workout 3 times a week for quick and best results. You can also combine it with some cardio sessions (choose the one that is most suitable for you) to achieve the results faster. Also, do not forget about a healthy diet, which should include foods that help burn fat and build muscles. As you can see everything is very simple, the main thing is your desire!
READ MORE: This 3-minute workout before sleep can help slim down your legs
#1. Pistol Squat

Credit: BetterMe
#2. Side Lunges

Credit: BetterMe
READ MORE: 11 moves that work your arms, legs and abs at the same time
#3. Goblet Squat

Credit: BetterMe
#4. Donkey Kick

Credit: BetterMe
#5. One Leg Deadlift

Credit: BetterMe
#6. Glute Bridge

Credit: BetterMe
#7. Wall Squat

Credit: BetterMe
BetterMe App helps you increase your self-esteem and achieve your personal goals by opening the doors to the world of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Try it now to see the best version of yourself as soon as possible.
READ MORE: 12 exercises that can help tighten legs and butt
The BetterMe Team is by your side throughout your fitness journey! Stay motivated and you can achieve your goals. If you are struggling with your motivation have a look at one of our many articles for inspiration.
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