Our bodies are all different no matter how alike they may seem. What more, all of us treat our bodies differently and then come up with a certain result. However, there are some areas that most men pay attention to, and most women are unsatisfied with. As you may have already guessed, we are talking about your boobs. There is rarely a woman in the world that is fine with either the size or the shape or some other related issue.
BetterMe App helps women achieve their body goals with ease and efficiency by helping to choose proper meal plans and effective workouts. Start using our app and you will see good results in a short time.
That is why we have come to the conclusion that it may be nice to suggest to your attention a set of boob-changing exercises. Well, truth be told there are no direct exercises to tone your breasts exactly since it is anatomically impossible however there are certain exercises that target the area around your boobs, and that makes them look all toned up a nice.
We know that most of you have not time or possibility to hit the gym on the regular basis that is why we are going to present to your attention exercises that can be easily replicated in the safety of your own house, all you are going to need it a fitball and a set of dumbbells, that is it.
Stick up to this boob-toning routine regularly and will most likely fix whatever issue you have with your boobs. However, it is important that you do not forget about the healthy way of eating since your diet plays a major role in anything that comes to body-toning.
READ MORE: A 9-minute arm workout with dumbbells you can do at home
#1. Push Up

Credit: BetterMe
#2. Chest Fly

Credit: BetterMe
READ MORE: 9 circuit training moves for quick weight loss
#3. Around the Worlds

Credit: BetterMe
#4. Overhead Press

Credit: BetterMe
#5. Overhead Pulldowns

Credit: BetterMe
BetterMe App helps you increase your self-esteem and achieve your personal goals by opening the doors to the world of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Try it now to see the best version of yourself as soon as possible.
READ MORE: 12 easy weight loss exercises that can be performed without getting up
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