When planning my dinner menu for the week, the recipes I choose for must meet a few requirements. I ask myself these questions:
1. Can this dinner be ready in under 40 minutes?
2. Is it simple with minimal ingredients?
3. Will cleaning up afterward be fairly quick and easy?
If the answers are YES! to all of those, then I have a WINNER! Clearly, I have a recipe that fits all my requirements and it passes the Weeknight Dinner Litmus Test and I’ll put it on the menu.
However… on weekends, requirements go out the window. I’m ready to tackle a few baking projects that are a little more involved and could possibly use up every kitchen gadget I own. I put on my trusty apron, strap my baking boots, turn up the tunes, and I’m ready to go to work. #bringiton
Here are some of my favorite baking projects that were made for the weekend!