Our 12 Favorite Cookie Recipes to Make in the Fall

You know it’s fall when suddenly the baking aisle in the grocery store becomes a lot more crowded. Ingredients such as fancy chocolate chips (the Guittard ones, oh my goodness) and pumpkin spice everything (that’s another story!) start making an appearance. When it’s quiet for a moment, you can almost hear the whir of the stand mixer calling to you. (Ok, maybe that’s just me.)

The need for cookie recipes, in my book, never ever wanes. We’ve gathered up some of our favorites for you to try this fall.

We’ve got a few chocolate chip cookie recipes—if you make them frequently and you’re anything like me, it means that you are always looking to improve and tweak them slightly. It’s fun to play around with creaming butter versus melting, or adding a new mystery ingredient, such as ground flaxseed, to see what happens to the flavor or texture.

Never fear, though. If chocolate chips are not your cookie kryptonite (I’ve met such people, they exist), there’s a plethora of spice-happy cookies such as Snickerdoodles and Cinnamon Snaps, or classics with peanut butter and/or chocolate in them.

Time to soften the butter and bring those eggs to room temperature!


  • Warming eggs: If your recipe calls for warmed eggs, you can quickly warm them by placing them in a bowl of warm water on the countertop
  • Cookies for later: If you don’t have time to make all your cookies at once, cover the bowl and stick in the fridge, and bake off the rest of the batch whenever you like. This way you have fresh cookies every day! (How dreamy.)
  • Freeze unbaked dough: You can also portion out any unbaked dough and freeze them on a sheet lined with wax paper. Then, transfer them to a zip-top bag and freeze until needed!