The question of how to get rid of fat on the abdomen, equally worries both men and women. Unaesthetic fat folds or bulging beer belly cause serious experiences about their appearance and the reason for finding various methods that would help quickly and effectively remove fat from the stomach.
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Fatty deposits can be divided into two types. The first of them is subcutaneous fatty tissue: it is on the body everywhere, the smoothness of the lines and the outline of the body depend on it, it can be grasped with fingers and the fat fold can be seen on the abdomen.
The main physiological task of this area of fat accumulation is to protect the body from heat loss and to create a depot for storing energy in reserve. This layer of fat deposits can increase and decrease, depending on unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.
Another fat layer is internal, or visceral, it is present around the internal organs and differs from subcutaneous tissue by high sensitivity to hormones. Hormonal failures in the body most often cause its excessive growth, and visceral fat accumulates in the abdomen – here fat cells have the most hormone-sensitive receptors.
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However, thinking about how to remove fat from the stomach, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance, in order to choose the right way to correct weight. People who intend to quickly remove fat from the stomach first of all try to change their eating habits. Some of them urgently exclude foods containing sugar from the diet, other people try to lose weight on a fat-free diet, but the most effective method to get rid of fat on the stomach is to normalize the eating regimen. There are 9 effective tips to get rid of excess fat:
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#1. Never stop moving. There is weakness in visceral fat – it is strongly influenced by cardio exercises. Burn fat, running, cycling, swimming, any load that speeds up your heart rate. The main thing is not to give up in your desire to get rid of unwanted deposits. Recent studies have determined that for burning visceral fat you need to run about 20 kilometers per week.
#2. This time, eat protein like you mean it. It is widely known that protein plays an important role in reducing weight. However, you should know why the protein should prevail on your plate: with age, the body begins to produce more insulin, because muscles and fat cells stop responding to it. Namely, insulin is responsible for the deposition of fat in the body, especially in the abdominal region. High-protein diet protects you from insulin resistance.
#3. Pound the polyunsaturates. A Swedish study conducted in February 2015 showed that saturated acids help to deposit more visceral fat in the body. Polyunsaturated acids have no such harmful effects. Remember: a large number of polyunsaturated acids is found in nuts, seeds and fish.
#4. Pucker up. According to a Japanese research published in 2009, people with obesity who consume one to two tablespoons of vinegar every day for 8 weeks, burned a significant amount of fat, especially visceral. It is explained by the fact that acetic acid, contained in vinegar, is able to produce protein that helps in burning fat.
#5. Try yoga. Any relaxing exercises, even deep breathing, help to reduce the amount of stress hormone – cortisol, which is associated with the deposition of fat in the abdominal area.
#6. Sleep well. Another recent study shows that there is a direct connection between the amount of fat on the stomach and sleep. People who sleep less than 5 hours are more prone to fat deposits than those who sleep 6 to 7 hours a day. So, watch your regime.
#7. Do not get up too late on weekends. Women who go to bed and wake up at the same time every day have a lower level of body fat. Chaotic sleep leads to the failure of the internal clock, which, in turn, causes the production of cortisol, responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body.
#8. Become the queen of green tea. It is established that the antioxidants of catechins contained in green tea help to lose more fat during training. You should consume 625 mg of green tea, which equals 2-3 cups of tea every day.
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#9. Get fussy about fiber. The use of these elements also affects the shape of your stomach. The more fiber you eat, the less fat will be deposited on your stomach. Fiber is found in peas, oats, legumes, citrus fruits, apples, carrots in large quantities. These foods are easy enough to include in your diet.
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