When performing various exercises, women pay more attention to their hips, waist and legs, but they often forget about their arms. However, if you do not train them, then in time your arms can become problem zone number one.
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To avoid this, it is necessary to perform certain exercises for the arms, which will allow women to tighten the muscles, eliminate flabbiness and improve the relief. In addition, some exercises for the arms involve also the muscles of the back, which allows you to improve the spine.
Prayer pose. Stand on the floor. Place your feet hip width apart and your arms should be above your head. Connect your palms and then lower them to your chest.
Triceps dips. Take a chair and place your arms there. Your legs should be straight. Lower your hips to the floor.
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Downward dog. Place your palms and your feet on the floor and make the letter V position, lifting your hips as high as you can
Bend over row. Stand on the floor, bend your knees and tilt the body forward. Take dumbbells in your hands, place them at the chest line and then slowly lower them.
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Sideways floor pushups. Take a side position on the floor. Leaning on the upper arm, lift your core.
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Triceps extensions. Stand on the floor, take a dumbbell in your hands and lower then behind your head. Then lift them over your head.
Arm circles. Stand on the floor, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them to the sides as high as your can. Then rotate your arms.
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Credit: BetterMe