Today, every woman takes care of the health and beauty of her body. We all want to be slim and attractive. That’s why thousands of women are ready to do everything possible to achieve desirable results.
BetterMe App helps women achieve their body goals with ease and efficiency by helping to choose proper meal plans and effective workouts. Start using our app and you will see good results in a short time.
One of the most common problems that affect modern women is excess weight. Fortunately, there are methods that can be really helpful for this case. Physical exercises and healthy diet are the most effective in this case.
Although we all understand that it is vital to take care of our body and maintain healthy weight, many people just don’t have enough time to attend a gym. That’s why today, we have prepared something special for you.
We know that very often you don’t have time to perform any exercises. That’s why we have prepared a 3-minute in-bed workout to tone up the thighs and eliminate fat especially for this case. You shouldn’t even leave your bed to get a slim body. You can do it before the bedtime or in the morning.
READ MORE: Shape the inner thighs with easy moves
#1 Front of your thighs
So, there are only three exercises that will take only three minutes of your time. To perform the first move you should lay flat on your back. Place your arms by your sides and raise your legs upwards to a 90-degree angle.
Keep your knees straight and point your toes upwards. Now you should bend your knee until it touches your buttocks and get to the previous position. Do the same for another leg. While doing the exercise, keep your knees together. You should perform 10 reps for each leg. This move will help you to tone up the front of your thighs.
#2 Back of your thighs
READ MORE: Top 10 effective exercises to thinner thighs for women over 40
The next exercise consists of two parts. To perform the first one you should get the same position as for the previous exercise, but point your toes towards your body. Now you should bend your knees by turn. Keep them together. You should perform 10 reps for each leg.
To perform the second part you should get the previous position. You should slightly bend your knees, keep your toes pointing upwards. Now raise your buttocks and swing your legs towards your body and back. Perform 20 reps.
#3 Tone your inner thigh area
The last exercise will help you to tone you inner thigh area. Take the initial position and cross your legs. Keep your left leg over the right one. Now you should bend your knees keeping your legs crossed and get to the previous position. Perform 10 reps, place your right leg over the left one and perform another 10 reps.
BetterMe App helps you increase your self-esteem and achieve your personal goals by opening the doors to the world of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Try it now to see the best version of yourself as soon as possible.
So, as you can see, everything is much easier than it seems at first. Even if you don’t have enough time to attend a gym, you can get the body of your dream due to simple exercises that you can easily do at home. So try our workout and you won’t regret it!
READ MORE: Tone your inner thighs with these 8 moves
The BetterMe Team is by your side throughout your fitness journey! Stay motivated and you can achieve your goals. If you are struggling with your motivation have a look at one of our many articles for inspiration.
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