22 Gardening Hacks For Everyone With A Green Thumb

If you’re a garden enthusiast and looking to show off your green thumb, you’ll find plenty of ideas in this compilation list featuring the top 22 gardening hacks!

1. Homemade Kitchen Fertilizer

Are your potted plants starting to droop and look sad and pathetic? Have they decided to stop growing altogether? Even putting them in a good location and watering them regularly doesn’t always help in such a situation because what your plants actually need is energy in the form of fertilizer.  But you won’t need to resort to using expensive and sketchy products loaded with strange chemicals – everything you need is right in your trash can! Learn more here.

2–9. Fruit & Vegetable Garden

Have you always wanted to have your very own fruit & vegetable garden, but didn’t want to deal with all the hassle? Then your green thumb will love these fast and easy gardening tips – from strawberries to mushrooms to pineapples, you can grow it all. In fact, these hacks are sure to bear you plenty of fruit this season, all of which will be natural and delicious! Learn more here

10. Regrow Roses

We give or receive flowers for all sorts of occasions: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, or whenever congratulations are in order. The sad thing about cut flowers is that they wilt and die so quickly. But this trick can help roses regrow their roots and then you can enjoy them for a long, long time! Learn more here.

11. Fairy Garden

In most cases, a broken flower pot’s fate is usually sealed and it can expect to end up in a pile of garbage somewhere on a landfill site. But it doesn’t have to end this way! The next time you end up with a broken pot, try transforming it into a wonderfully enchanting decoration for your garden or porch. Learn more here.

12. Self-Watering Flower Pots

It’s probably happened to everyone who’s ever had houseplants. You go away for a week or two and when you get back, you hardly have to open the door before you see the dried-out, dying plants. With this trick, you’ll finally be able to crack that dilemma: your plants will stay fresh whether you’re there or not! Learn more here.

13–19. DIY Herb Garden

There’s nothing like growing your own fruits and vegetables. You know exactly where they come from, they contain no pesticides, everything is local and organic – and then there’s the taste!  But believe it or not, you don’t need your own garden or seeds to enjoy the crunchiest, freshest greens. Though you won’t get far without soil and a plant pot, you at least have the key ingredients right there on the cutting board. Here’s how to turn your kitchen waste into a continuous supply of fresh produce! Learn more here.