12 Recipes to Make with Ripe Summer Peaches

Peaches really are the crowning glory of summer. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all the summer berries and watermelon and everything else that comes with the fresh produce of summer, but I live for peaches. I feel extremely fortunate to live near several U-Pick peach orchards where I can go right to the source and bask in their goodness. #lifeisgood

One thing I especially adore about peaches is just how versatile they are:

  • Want a simple afternoon snack? Enjoy a peach on its own.
  • Firing up the grill? Slice a peach in half, grill it, and top with some ice cream for a quick treat.
  • Have some leftover tortilla chips? Make a peach salsa!

Really, I could go on for days about the 5,392 ways to enjoy peaches, but to simplify things a bit, I’ve rounded up twelve of my favorite ways to savor these summer gems.